Preferred Employers
Let Texell help take care of your most valuable resource—your employees.
Texell has a fantastic Bank at Work program for companies that want to offer more perks to their employees. Our Bank at Work program has exclusive offers for those that work at companies agreeing to be Preferred Employers. Set your employees up for success with a solid, stable financial institution and a path to a better financial future.
It's easy to join these great Preferred Employers and implement Texell's Bank at Work program at your company. There are no contracts to sign. We will set up a time to visit that's convenient for you when most of your staff is already gathered. We'll bring breakfast, lunch, or delicious snacks. Account and loan experts will be there to set up accounts with direct deposit, help your employees apply for loans or refinance existing loans, and assist with any financial need they may have. There will be giveaways for your staff, and we'll draw for a $25 gift card. It will be fun and informative, with a short explanation of the program and the benefits of joining Texell Credit Union.
Join these fantastic Preferred Employers:
- Centex Technologies
- Emerson Construction
- HEB, Georgetown
- KPA Engineers, Georgetown
- Mac Haik
- Ramirez Pools
- Temple College
- Temple Independent School District
- Texas A&M University-Central Texas
For more information, contact the Marketing Department at 254.774.5165 or by email.
Frequently Asked Questions:
for Businesses: Is it complicated?
Oh, no, it’s definitely not complicated. We do all the work. And we bring you food!
for Businesses: What’s the cost?
There is no cost to participate in the Preferred Employer program.
for Businesses: There's no contract to sign?
No. You only need to allow us to set up somewhere in your facility and let your employees know we’re coming.
for Businesses: How long does this take?
Not long at all! We’ll arrive with food, talk about Texell for a few minutes, and then you can go about your day. You just need to allow a little extra time for your employees to get their accounts opened. It only takes four minutes to set up an account, and 10 minutes to apply for a loan. We will set times for people to visit with us while we're there, or it can be first-come, first-served. We'll make it as convenient as possible for you and your staff.
for Businesses: What about employees that are hired after the initial event?
We will leave behind coupon books so they can take advantage of the offers. If you have seasonal hires, we are glad to make a return visit or schedule visits in intervals that make sense for your company.
for Businesses: Do my employees need to bring anything?
We need just two forms of ID to set up accounts. We will also ask you for the company's direct deposit information to get that set up, too.
All employees of the Texell Preferred Employers listed at the top of this page.
for employees: How do I take advantage of these offers?
If you work for a Preferred Employer, ask your HR representative for your coupon book.
for employees: I want my employer to join the program. How do I do that?
It's easy! Contact Marketing at Marketing@Texell.org or call 254.774.5165.
¹ APR is the annual percentage rate. Subject to credit approval. Additional restrictions apply. Contact credit union for additional details.
² Offer is not available to existing Texell checking account members. Additional restrictions apply. Contact credit union for additional details.
³ With approved credit. $499 will be provided through a credit at loan closing. The $499 cannot be used toward down payment. Minimum loan amount of $100,000. NMLS# 460152.
⁴ With approved credit. Offer not valid on existing Texell auto loans. Minimum loan amount of $10,000 required to qualify for cash bonus.