Personal Loans
Consolidate high-interest debt, tackle any project, and more with a Personal Loan.
Whether you need to pay for auto repairs, make a big purchase, or cover just about any expense, Texell's Personal Loans are custom-tailored to your needs.
Personal Loans customized for you:
Same day approval, in most situations
Same day funding, in most situations
No application fee
No prepayment penalty
Personal Loans eligible for Skip-a-pay up to twice a year
Today's Personal Loan Rates
Secured Loans
If you don't want to use your savings for an expense but use it as collateral, this loan is for you.
Benefits of a Secured Loan:
- Use your Texell Certificate of Deposit or Savings Account as collateral for the loan.
- Your deposits will be held until you repay the loan, but you will continue to earn interest on your funds.
- Secured Loans eligible for Skip-a-pay up to twice a year.
Frequently Asked Questions:
- A loan expert can set up automatic payments for you when you get your Personal Loan, and you will never have to worry about making a payment again.
- Transfer funds anytime using Digital Banking. You can transfer funds from your Texell checking or savings account or an account at another financial institution.
- You can pay your loan with a debit card from another financial institution.2
- You can also mail a check, call a representative, or visit any branch to make your loan payment.
1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Rates effective 1/2/2025. All loans are subject to credit approval, and individual rates will vary. For complete details about payments, rates, and fees, please visit our rates page or contact Texell. Existing Texell loans are not eligible for refinancing.
2 There is a $4.95 per payment fee for debit card payments conducted through Digital Banking or on Texell.org. There is a $15 per payment fee for debit card payments made by a Texell representative.
3 Express, Yes!, Employer, Home Equity, Home Improvement, Land, Mortgage, One-Time Payment, Fresh Start, Lines of Credit, Credit Cards and loans 15 or more days delinquent are not eligible for skip-a-payment. Loans that have been 30 days past due within the last year do not qualify for Skip-a-pay. Loan payments must have been on time during the three months preceding this request. All accounts at the credit union must be in good standing. If approved, your regular monthly payment schedule will resume immediately following the month you indicate on your request form. No more than two non-consecutive monthly payments may be skipped in twelve months.